Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sad Story...

Eleven years ago, Brenda Heist dropped off her young kids at school -- and never returned. Not to pick them up later, and not to their Pennsylvania home. The family thought she was dead. That something terrible had happened to her. What else could explain the sudden disappearance of a woman her daughter, then 8, later described as a "great" mom? But then last week, after more than a decade, Heist turned up in Florida, revealing to police that she hadn't been kidnapped or killed. She had, she said, been stressed, says CNN.

It makes you wonder how bad can things get for you to leave your family, your children? I think this woman was a coward, her life got a little tough and she just ditched. It makes you wonder how many kids out their have and parents who have left them, I know that there are many but why? If you aren't ready to have a family than don't have one. Whats the point of having a family if you aren't going to be there to enjoy them.

I read this story and I just could not believe it so I had to share. Its sad some of the things people do these days and if I were her daughter, I don't think I could forgive her. If you would like to check out the full story click here.(138)


Where does it come from...

A new thought bloggers...

Why are there so many “new” diseases today? Or, are they not new, but just unspoken ones? For instance, migraines. It seems that in today's times, everyone and their brother has migraines! My brother gets migraines! What causes them? How do you get rid of them? Why did you never hear of migraines 15 years ago?

Maybe it's all the waves that are circulating around in the air. Cell phones, computers, radios...everything needs radio waves or what ever it is that makes them work. Is this what causes so many headaches? Children with ear infections is another item that peaks our curiosity. Years ago, when a woman found out she was pregnant, she waited 9 months and a baby was born. There was no ultrasound like there is today. Ultrasounds are sound waves. Do we have all these ear problems due to every newly pregnant mother requiring an ultra sound?

Some doctors and scientists think that the ultra sounds that are given to expecting moms could be the cause of many of the ear issues that we have today such as ear infections and ear tubes. Seem logical. Some also think that many of the vaccines that are given to children at very young ages could be the cause of the autism that some children have.

It seems that life was much easier back in the day when maybe we just didn't know. When things were just easier. Either you were sick or you were healthy. People died of unknown reasons, but when they died, they didn't know they were going to. They didn't spend their final days trying to figure out what to do and how to prolong their life. When a headache was just a headache, not a migraine. And when that headache didn't keep you from going to school or work because things had to get done. A time when if you stayed in bed all day, there was REALLY a legitimate reason, like you were on your death bed. It's debatable as to which would be easier to deal with.

Medicines were much different at well, and guess what...most of them were free. Leaves, barks, teas, mud, honey...all different kinds of medicines that took care of the illnesses of that day. Are they the same illnesses of today? And if so, why don't those remedies still work. Or do they but the pharmaceuticals companies create and advertise the medicines of this era so much so that people believe in them and forget about the past.

Who knows what the right answer is. It seems though that things continually get more and more confusing. People continue to push the envelope, creating new things daily. It's like the I phone. Just when you think you have the latest and greatest, someone creates a newer version. Sometimes it's scary to think of what the world will be like in another 50 years. Maybe everything we know today will be totally different. Maybe there won't be medicines any longer. Maybe if people get ill, they'll be shipped off to a different location where all sick people are kept. Maybe hospitals will be a thing of the past. Or maybe, since things from the past tend to resurface, we'll go back to the days of the past. It'll be interesting to see but we probably won't be around to experience it.(566)


Thursday, May 2, 2013



Today, there are many obvious examples of wooden-headedness.  Look at the divorce rate.  Divorce is an outcome in many cases of wooden-headedness.  Government is a huge example, but I would think that being in office, one would have to have a bit of wooden-headedness in them in order to survive.  Whether wooden-headedness is good or bad depends on the standpoints you take.

If you look up the word, you will find several definitions all of which basically proclaim the same definition of the word:  stupidity.  Looking further into the word from the standpoint of the author, it seems to me that what she is saying is it is ones attempt at a personal agenda, stupidly, similar to being stubborn.  Or is it a thick headedness and reluctance to people’s excuses or reasons for their sides of things.  Either way, it seems to be a mental block.

I believe that if we all sit back and look at ourselves, there is a little bit of wooden-headedness in each of us.  It is not attached to a specific trait, gender, political party or age, however it does seen that it could be argued to be stronger in the younger generations.  I believe that it is however, a learned trait.  When we are born, we are reliant on our parents for everything we need and to help us make judgments and decisions.  If our parents are wooden-headed, it is probable that we will follow in their footsteps, even so much as to have their same opinions. 

I’m always right.  That’s how it is these days.  No one apologizes for being wrong about something because they aren’t wrong.  Even if the facts are right in front of them.  For some people, wooden-headedness comes from the way they were raised, a prejudice or even a religious belief. 

Today, there are many obvious examples of wooden-headedness.  Look at the divorce rate.  Divorce is an outcome in many cases of wooden-headedness.  Government is a huge example, but I would think that being in office, one would have to have a bit of wooden-headedness in them in order to survive.  Whether wooden-headedness is good or bad depends on the standpoints you take.  An example of when it can be bad is when you know something is wrong yet just because you want to be right, you hold your ground.  Most of the time people act this way because they enjoy the fight, they are afraid of what will happen if they admit they were wrong, they could be afraid to admit the truth or they are afraid to ask for help.  All of these are examples of traits that we all should sway from.

Wooden-headedness can be good if you are on the other side of the fence. If you know you are 100% correct, why wouldn’t you be stubborn with your correctness?  However, not being open to hearing others opinions whether right or wrong is the bad part of being stubborn.  I’m right and that’s all there is to it!  That’s not going to get you anywhere in life.  In Government, it would be bad to have a leader who is not Wooden-headed and have them back out of every decision because of uncertainties and questions. Wooden-headedness may play a role in whether a leader is strong and able to stay in that role for the long haul.

So I guess what I’m saying is that it can go either way, depending on how you use your wooden-headedness.  It can be used for good in many ways but if you are like Nixon covering up your Watergate scandal, you may need to look for ways to keep your position and not be impeached!(617)


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Picture frames(:

So I have been thinking of things to make my boyfriend for him birthday, we always buy each other gifts but also make each other one thing . Its kind of like that special little thing that even if it horribly made it means so much for the effort.

So I was thinking of making him a collage picture frame, where the frame of the picture is a collage and then I put a picture of us in the middle. So I went to Micheal's and bought a picture frame with a thick flat wooden frame, I bought a frame that was a bit bigger than the photo that I was going to put in the frame so that I could put a piece of white paper and have a white border in between the picture and the collage, Elmer's glue, Mod Podge, any little stickers like hearts of any thing you really want to put on it, and printed off a lot of little pictures of Tanner and I.

Take the frame and tape the glass inside of the frame so that no glue gets on it, then take a paint brush and on some glue to the frame. I would do one side of the frame at a time so that the glue doesn't dry before you get the pictures on it. Glue the pictures all around the frame just like a collage and put whatever stickers or sparkles or anything that you want on them. After you have everything situated the way that you want it take a new clean paint brush and paint on the mod podge. Let the whole thing dry over night. In the morning take put the picture in a frame with a piece of white paper behind it and close it up. Then hang it up and enjoy(: I hope he likes it!(311)
- Ardeeemilla(:

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Why is gas so expensive?

I’m currently in the process of taking drivers education and am hoping that by the end of the school year, just in time for summer, that I’ll have my very own first car.  I have a job and I work hard to save my money because I know that I will need it for college.  Because college is just around the corner, I have been more aware of where my money goes and finding out how difficult it is to save up those few pennies I earn.  It’s much easier for me to say no to purchase that item that I didn’t really need.  But with having a car there comes expenses.  Insurance, oil changes and of course gas.  Why is it that we pay so much money for gas anyway, and I really don’t understand why the price of gas changes from one day to the next?  So of course, the best way to find an answer to this question is to go on line and research it.

It was difficult to find a website that spoke to me in terms that I understood.  When it comes to things that the government and financial institutions have their hands in, it always seems like the talk in ‘big words’ that makes it difficult to understand.  So first I looked for an answer to what made up the actual gas prices.  I found this:  Crude Oil + Refining Process + Retail Sales/Distribution + Taxes = Gas Price.  Makes total sense.  Without even looking this up, I assume that a big reason that the prices fluctuated so much was because of the actual gas station owners.  Gas prices are much higher now than they were back when my parents first started driving cars.  My grandparents paid about $.25 per gallon back in the 1960’s.  The reason for this?  Well, according to this site, one big reason is due to the increased demand. Large countries with big populations such as China have seen an increase in demand due to the increase in motorists.  Additionally, oil companies have had to work harder to get oil because so much oil has already been taken out of the ground causing the extraction process to cost more as well.  The quality of this oil is not as good either so it costs more money to refine it and make it usable.  Between the jump in demand and flat production, gas prices have risen.  Countries that supply oil who are in volatile situations such as Iraq and Iran can cause other countries who are in good standings to raise their prices.  They see that Iran and Iraq can tell us that they won’t send us any oil so they up their prices basically because they can.  Then you ad taxes in there….

So, I guess I was wrong.  I thought it was the gas station owners who were just playing games with each other and us but there really is more that goes into it.  Whether it is right or wrong, until we figure out another way to make our vehicles move…it looks like we are stuck paying the prices.  Someday maybe we will go back to the way it used to be.  A time when there was much less but we had a lot more…HORSES!!!!(549)


Meaningful Diamonds(:

A few months ago, I overheard my brother say something about turning my mom into a diamond. I didn’t really pay much attention to it until today when I was reminded of the conversation. He had apparent heard a story on tv about someone turning their parent who had passed away into a diamond and that person wore their parent on a necklace around their neck. It made them feel close to their parent who was no longer with them.
As I thought of it this morning, at first I thought what a morbid idea. But as I thought longer, I wondered of the cost to do this, the process and who came up with this idea. So I got on line…and I stumbled onto a website for a company called LifeGem. This website was awesome. It went through and explained everything from what they offered to why you should consider it. Let me explain quickly.
According to this website, the process for creating diamonds has been around for many years. Apparently it was first invented by General Electric back in the 1950’s. I learned that Diamonds are “created by subjecting carbon, the primary element of all diamonds, to conditions that recreate the forces of nature.” LifeGem has recreated this natural process. The only difference is that they use “an exact carbon source” to recreate the diamonds. They collect the carbon of your family member which is then heated to really high temperatures. This is called the purification process. This process changes the carbon to graphite that has unique characteristics to create your one of a kind diamond. The longer the carbon is in the heat source, the larger the diamond. Diamonds made by this company allegedly have the same exact characteristics of natural diamonds – hardness, brilliance and luster. The final step in the process is telling the diamond cutter what shape you want your diamond to be and the color…yes they come in five different colors! That’s it! Except to pay for it which looks to be pretty close to the cost of what you would pay for a natural diamond.
It’s a thought I guess. I don’t know how I really feel about it. It feels weird but on the other hand, it is a nice idea. So what do you think... could you turn a loved one into jewelry? :/

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Does our government keep things from us? Lately I have been thinking and it really seems as though they do. We have so many secret things that they do and are we as the citizens of America informed about what those things are. Like why is North Korea threatening us, what going on with Iraq, and many many other things in our history that I feel like we haven't been truly informed about.It;s kind of scary to think about all of the things that we might not know, that are government is with holding. In My history class we have been discussing the assassination of JFK and it has really drove me crazy. I don't understand how their could not have been someone to truly find what happened that day and who was behind his assassination.

On November 22nd, 1963 in Dallas, Texas a noble man was murdered, John F. Kennedy. This Day represents the madness and disconnection of America and its government. We still to this day are searching for answers of what really happened that day. We ask our selves the question, why did no one step in and find out who really was behind Kennedy's assassination? But we never know if those who tried to step in were then targeted. There were many who committed suicide or who were killed after JFK's death, Were people ever charged for those murders? It is quite obvious that when this investigation took place those in charge tried to find someone to blame and make a theory that matched instead of trying to really find what happened that day. This is truly an unexplained day of in American history.

There are files about the John F. Kennedy's death that are set to be released sometime in 2017. They said the the files would be released after all who were involved were dead but has been reschedule to be released in 2017. I guess that all we can do is hope that maybe those files will give us some answers.
So what do you think, is there things are government wont tell us?(402)
