Friday, February 1, 2013

Music cures all

Being part of the Kennedy music program gives me the opportunity to receive a monthly newsletter that is sent out by the Kennedy Choral League Board. In that newsletter, at times there is information that catches my eye. In this months newsletter, there was an article on the effects of music on the mind. My curiosity was peeked. After reading it, many things made sense. Let me share.

The article said that there is a connection between music and mental health. Music also apparently has power over healing or at least in speeding up the recovery of those who are ill. There are many things that music does for us that most of us don't think about. Here are a few of them.

Music helps to fight depression. Soothing music help to increase the brains production of Serotonin which helps to alleviate depression. It also relieves anxiety and sleeplessness. It calms the body nerves and soothes the mind. Music also helps in the secretion of endorphins that help in speeding the process of healing. It acts as a distraction from pain and suffering. Music therapy is recommended for patients of high blood pressure, heart diseases and even cancer.

Music has also been shown to improve learning abilities. It has been proven that music brings about remarkable improvements in the academic skills of students, who are made to listen to certain kinds of music while studying or working in the lab.

Apparently, lack of confidence and lack of desire to learn is most often the reason behind someone failing. It's not always inability. Students who get poor grades at school do not necessarily lack intelligence. It's their disinterest in the subjects or the lack of motivation that leads to their bad performance. Music lessons during school has been said to help the students fight their mental block. It caused them to believe in themselves and boosts their confidence.

Some look at music as a hobby; for some music is their passion, while some pursue music as their career. Music has a direct influence on your mood.So, the effects music can have on your mind or brain depend largely on the kind of music you choose to listen to. To experience the positive effects of music, you should listen to only good music. That's the magic of music.

What that means for me is that the next time my mom tell me to turn down or off the music that I have on while I'm supposed to be studying, I'm going to let her read this blog!


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