Fellow Bloggers
Have you ever considered whether living in the country is better than living in the city or vice versa? There are obvious benefits to living in either place and depending on where you grew up tends to dictate which you prefer.
Living in the country brings clean air. There is no smog but there can be definite ordors in the air in the country. It is also much quieter. No sirens, cars racing past, horns or just ther normal city sounds. Country sounds include birds, wind/breezes, leaves blowing and at night crickets and tree toads. Country living allows you to grow your own produce in gardens. Something that can also be done in the city, but in the county it's typically on a larger scale. Neighbors are definitely not near as close to you as they area in the city. You can run and holler in your yard and not worry about offending anyone.
Downsides of living in the country are that you aren't as close to the stores as maybe you would like to be. Every thing requires that you have to drive a distance to get to it. There are also different types of wildlife that like to visit your yard. Deer will come and eat your flowers. Turkey, squirrel, rabbits and possum are just a few of the critters that will travel through your yard. Racoon like to make themselves at home in your garbage cans or anywhere they can cause a little mischief.
Living in the city puts you near everything. Movie theaters and stores, schools and libraries; everything is typically within just a couple minutes from you. There is always something to do and neighbors are abundant.
Living in the city also allows for noise. There is always a car racing by or an amnulance/police car with a siren going, a neighbors dog barking or other city noises that many get used to hearing. Crime is always something that one has to be concerned with. Locking doors is a must in the city.
A case could be made for either country or city living. It seems though that the harder, safer life is in the country. You work hard and sleep heavy. The easier, more dangerous life is in the city. Things are there are the touch of a finger, but you need to be leary of people you meet and make sure to protect everything you have or own. There is no right answer to the question, It all depends on your preferences and maybe how you were raised. For me, it's all about the country but not so far from the city that it's a pain to go to town. How about you?