Sunday, September 30, 2012

Politics (AKA annoying)

Hello blogger friends....

Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative...are you tired of hearing about it and seeing it on TV? The ads...the ads...the ads....ENOUGH!! The sad part of it all is that the majority of what is said is only half truths to make things suit their needs.

For those of us who aren't old enough to vote, or maybe even the ones who are going to vote for the first time this year, it makes it difficult to even want to vote because of all the badgering of the parties. My mom has a rule about commercials. If the product in the commercial bashes a competitor, she won't purchase it. If the company has to stoop to the low level of talking bad about the competitor then it's not worth buying. Both companies are in the business of selling their product. They sould sell their product based on it's merits.

The same should go for the political field. The commercials just get so depressing. Each of the candidates should just give the facts and allow the public to make their choice on their own individual merits. If the have to stoop to the low blows, what are they showing us really? Does this show us that they will do a better job than the other if elected President? It doesn't and personnaly, I think they should stop already. The election is still over a month away. Allow us the time to see the positive things that they have done. Maybe put some ads on about that without bashing their competitor.(259)

-Ardeeemilla :)

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