Sunday, September 9, 2012

How to raise kittens

Hello fellow bloggers! :)

I love animals so today i thought i would write a blog about raising kittens. A few years ago, my mom and I found a newborn kitten that had lost it's mom. Let me share with you the trials of raising a kitten and learing now to become a mother cat without having had any experience.

This kitten was so small that it could be held in the palm of your hand. It's eyes were not yet open, so it was important to try and figure out it's age in order to start off on the right foot. You can try books and online information, but your best bet is to talk to someone at a pet store or a veternatian. When you think of newborn kittens, what do they do all day long? Sleep and eat. Usually there is more than one kitten in a litter and when they sleep, they get all piled up on one another in order to stay warm. They usually also have their mother all curled up around them. When yo u only have one kitten, you need to come up with a way to recreate that same warm environment. If you are keeping your kitten in a box, you can put a heating pad in it and keep it on low. Then take a towel and lay it over the heating pad. It's also a good idea to put some small stuffed animals in the box so that the kitten can curl up with them. Make sure that the box you are using has tall enough sides so that as the kitten grows, it is not able to jump out. If you don't have any stuffed animals to put in the box, you can use some small towels and roll them up and put in the box. This is extremely important if its only one kitten because they dont have their brothers and sisters to keep them warm.

When feeding a kitten you can go to any pet store and buy kitten formula and it will say on the back how much and how many times a day to feed them according to how old they are. The milk has to be warmed up just like you would for a human baby. After you feed your kitty or kittens they will probably have to go potty. When baby kittens are born they don't instinctively know how to go potty so there mom licks their bottoms as a stimulation to force the urge to go potty. You will need replicate this stumulation too. The best way to do this is to take a luke warm damp wash cloth and just continuously wipe there bottom until they go potty. It is best to do this with a white wash cloth so you see that they have gone. If you don't to this, they will get sick.

If you follow all of this soon enough you will have a full grown healthy cat. (506)

See ya later

-Ardeeemilla :)

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