is love really? To date or not to date. Many of us have maybe
experienced those butterflies you get when you have a boyfriend. When
he looks at you and all of a sudden SHAZAM…it hits you. But is that
really love?? Should we really be dating at this young age?
school we see many kids in the hallways hand in hand, making out in
the corner, kissing…but is that really love? Are kids at this age
able to experience what love between a man and woman is? Or are we
just in lust? Why at this age do kids think that they need to be
significantly attached to someone else? Why do our hormones play such
havoc with us?
a perfect world, I suppose, kids our age would have more time to work
on their studies and maybe even spend time with their family. A
relationship adds to the stress of homework, chores, getting a job,
learning to drive, family. Maybe we spend way too much time wondering
what our significant others are doing when they are not with us. So
much drama in some situations. Is it really all worth it?
guess the reason for some teenagers is because they are testing it
out…the dating thing I mean. By dating, you have the opportunity to
learn what you're looking for in a relationship. When you date, there
are always going to be things about the person you are going out with
that you might not like about them. Like maybe they don’t like the
same foods as you or don’t like to go to the movies and you do. So,
you learn which things you are interested in that you want to have in
the one you eventually end up with. You are better able to look for
someone who is a better fit for you…right? But how do you really
know when you have gotten to Mr. or Mrs. Right? Maybe some do it just
because everyone else is doing it and they don’t want to be looked
at differently. If you don’t date, does that make you a geek or
Too much to consider. My mom says to have
fun but study so you have a head start on life when you graduate.
Life is short... it really is. Enjoy it while you can but remember
the choices you make now will affect your future. No matter how small
the choices are.
I think when you truely fall in love you will know(:
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