Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween soon! :)

Hello fellow bloggers

Since it is getting really close to Halloween I thought I would tell you guys about one of my favorite scary movies and give a little summary.

One of my favorite older scary movies is When a Stranger Calls. Its not your typical gory movie. It actually has a little more action. It is about a girl who is probably around like 17. She goes to babysit for a rich family in this gigantic house. When she gets there, they show her around a little and then set the alarm and leave. She is left in the house alone with the kids who are upstairs sleeping. The phone rings and she answers, but no one responds. Then her friend calls and stops by at the house because she wants them to go to the school bonfire together. But the girl says no and that she has to stay and babysit. So the friend leaves. The girl then keeps getting phone calls from a unknown number but when she answers it, all she hears is breathing on the other end. She then sees lights going on and off at the guest house and thinks that it is either the parents oldest son or their maid. She runs to the guest house not knowing what could be out there and its no one. But while she is there, she gets another call. She then relizes the person must be watching her because the gust house is a different number. She goes back to the main house, locks the door, sets the alarm and calls 911. The operator told her that the next time she gets the call, to try to keep them on the phone for more than 60 seconds and he would try to trace the call. The guy calls again and asks if she has checked on he children and hangs up. She runs upstairs to check and they were fine. Then she hears a noise from where the maid stays. She goes to the maids quarters and while there. she gets another call. She answers and screams for him to stop calling her but this time it's actually a cop. He says that he has traced the call...its from inside of the house (my favorite line of the whole movie).

She runs to the kids room and finds empty beds. She looks up to find the man who has been calling her hiding up on the rafters. She runs into the kids play room. He jumps down and tries to attack but she closes the door fast enough, locking it behind her. She finds the children hiding in a toy chest. She gets them out they climb out the window, walk along the roof and climb back into the house through another window that has like an indoor pond and bird sanctuary. She hides the kids behind a plant. Then she hides herself under a bridge that is over the water. But it doesnt work. He findes her. The kids see what is happening and they run out of the room with her as she locks the door and the guy inside of the pond/sanctuary room. The cops are on the way so they are waiting for them to get there when she notices a bird fly through the room. She realizes that he must have gotten out of the room because that is where the bird cam from. He's out and finds her again. She fights him again and is finally able to over come him. The police arive just in time to take him away.

This is one of my all time favorite movies because I don,t really think the fake monster gory stuff is scary. I think real life stuff that could actually happen is really scary. Some fake things can be scary as well, but real life things sometimes haunt me for days....

Happy soon to be Halloween!

Talk later!(660)

Ardeeemilla :)

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