Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Hunger Games

Hello fellow blogger...

I watched The Hunger Games again today, for like the 10th time so I decided to let you guys know what I think.

I think that The Hunger Games is an amazing well put together story and movie. Not only is the movie very good at getting the story almost exactly right from the book but also I think they made very good choices for scenes and characters to play the parts.

I love how they chose the perfect place for Katniss's home it shows how poor they really were. I also like how the people cast from each district portrayed there attitudes to match how they lived like if they were rich or poor.

My favorite part that the movie showed, to me, just right was the paryt when they were presenting each pair from each district and how they got them ready. The movie pulls you in throughout the frendships and the betrayals, the deths and the heros. When I saw I could not stop watch the love story is one of the best I have seen, because it goes from them not even likeing eachother or trusting each other to them falling in love or so you think. It does get a little confusing though with if they really love eachother or if they are just doing it to help them servive but yoyu can tell they grow feelings for eachother and love eachother by the end.

I think that Jennifer Lawrance does an amazing job at playing Katniss. She shows how strong katniss is and how she will do anything to protect and take care of her family. She shows Katniss's firey personality, her love of hunting and skill with arrows. Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson do an amazing job of showing the chemistry between Katniss and Peeta.

The movie left much to be desired. It dropped the immediate threats of the Capital and even the heaviness in each of the districts because of the government control. I am interested in seeing how the second film will pan out since everything the second movie should be based on was left out of the first movie. I cant wait to watch the second one. Ill be at the midnight premier... whose with me? :) (382)
Ardeeemilla :)

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