Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lepard Gecko

Hello again...
So I was talking to a friend at work on friday and she has two lepard geckos. She was telling me about how one of her geckos had dropped its tail which is when there tail falls off they do this when they get scarred as a defense meckanism...dont ask me whay lol because im not sure. I asked her why he had dropped his tail and she told me that her boyfriend had him sitting on top of his ipad and they were watching titanic together. I stopped her for a second confused. I said to her, “ so your telling me your boyfriend was watching titanic with your gecko”. She laughed and continued to tell me how her boyfriend dropped the ipad on accident which scared the gecko enough to drop its tail.
This started my want of a lepard gecko they are so cute and tiny.
even though im pretty sure my parents would say no I have been researching how to take care of them. So I thought I would share what I have learned.
Some beginning facts that I have learned
  • the lepord gecko stores its nutrients in its tail so you can tell if it is being fed well is its tail is fat
  • always be creful with there tail because if you pull on it it will pop right off
  • it it is attact and its tail falls off but thepreditor doesnt eat its tail, the gecko will come back and eat its own tail to gain all of it nutrients back
  • when purchasing a lepord gecko you want to make sure that it doesnt have black around its mouth or in its mouth because that shows it has been infected
What do geckos eat?
  • Live super worms/ mealworms
  • Live crickets
  • Coat food in calcium so they absorb uv light better
What do they live in?
  • They should live in an aquarium that suits how many geckos you have or how big your gecko is
  • It is very important to have a water dish for them in there cage
  • They should also have other dishes for their food so it doesnt escape
  • One of the very important things to have is a cave for them to shed in otherwise they wont and it could cut off their circulation, it should have moss or even moist paper towel inside for it
  • They ned a hot side and a cool side, the hot side having his heat light
  • uv light over his whole tank
  • For baby gekos dont put sand or rocks in the bottom because they might eat it and they could get sick.
    So this is so far what ive learned so far.(471)
    Ardeeemilla :)

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