Friday, March 15, 2013

Law enforcement...

Does law enforcement do enough to catch people who commit crimes?

In 2007 in Marshall town, IA, a woman had just arrived home from work late at night.  When she got out of her car a man attacked her, he beat her, stabbed her and cut her face from ear to ear. He then let her to bleed, luckily she had enough strength to drag herself inside and call 911. This man who attacked her was her husband, Luis Luna-Alvarez.  They had decided to get a divorce and he had been drinking that night. My dad’s best friend Max, (I call him my uncle) his sister was this woman (so kind of my aunt) her name is Lupe.

She has two young children with this man, who were in the house when this whole incident happened. She had to spend a few weeks in the hospital and a while in intensive care. While she was there my mom and I had to take care of the kids because they obviously couldn’t stay in Marshall town and we live about an hour away from there. We had a lot of men at our house and the kids were kind of on lock down in my bedroom watching cartoons for the first couple of days just in case Luis decided to come back for them.  Today is March 15, 2013, and they still have not found him.

Now this story could go to ways for me, either that alcohol needs to be a bit more controlled or that our police department does not do enough to find or charge people with the crimes they have committed. I am going to go with the second one for today. After this whole situation happened the police acted like they would do something to find Luis but they didn’t. It took my dad and Max driving around asking people if they had seen him to find his abandoned SUV at a gas station just outside of Marshall town.

I’m sure this case is not a one of a kind, I’m sure there are people who had a worse situation. So what do we do about it? I think all of our police forces need to learn to work together. I bet that he probably left the country so why couldn’t they stop him? If they would have worked together I really feel that they could have caught him. My aunt now lives in Idaho were everyday she has to live in fear of him coming back. No one should have to live that way. (429)

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