Sunday, March 10, 2013

What are we eating?

Hey guys!

So in my AP Lang class we watched a video on where our food comes from and how it is produced. Have you ever wondered what the food companies do to feed the world, or where your food comes from? In this movie it showed the filthy conditions that the cows, chickens and pigs are raised in and the horrible ways that they are treated before the are slaughtered. Many of the animals are injected with hormones that cause them to grow at such fast rates there bodies cant even keep up, and many of them die from this. There legs cannot keep up with their weight so many of the animals can't even take a few steps before the fall. Are these hormones good for us?

I personally don’t understand why it is necessary to torture the animals before we kill them. So what if they are going to die anyway no one and nothing deserves to be treated that way no matter how long their life will be. Here is a video showing the horrible conditions that the animals live in and ways the animals are treated. I warn you I find this video hard to watch, it is very sad. Just think, if the animals in the video were dogs or cats. Would you have a problem with it? What's the difference?

The only way that we can make a difference is if we find out were our food comes from. Eat Organic if you can. Don't buy from these companies because maybe if we stop buying from them they will have to change the way that they are making our food and improve America’s health every where.


  1. Did you watch "Food Inc"? Powerful stuff. Other ways to combat this problem: Go vegetarian. Become a locavore (that is, buy local, from someone whom you know treated their animals and produce in an ethical way).

  2. Yeah we watched that and it was horibble. Everytime i eat something now i think twice. Thanks for the advise i will look into it. I just dont really know how to start the locavore thing...
