Friday, March 15, 2013


Look out the window of your house or car right now.  It’s UGLY out!  The time between winter and spring is probably the worst time of the year because everything looks so dead and dirty.  All the sand and salt that has been spread on the roads over the winter builds up everywhere.  The grass has now come out from under the snow and is brown and still crunchy from the cold.  The snow is melting and water is running, or in this year’s case, flooding everywhere. 

But never fear, spring is just around the corner.  Once those leaves start popping on the branches and it warms up enough for people to start cleaning up their yards, things will start looking a whole lot better.  I love spring.  It’s one of the best seasons of the year.  My mom and I get spring fever so bad sometimes, we can hardly stand it.  We both love to plant flowers and make the yard look nice. 

We moved two years ago into a new house.  The yard needed tons of landscaping done so my family spent the first summer (we moved in July) moving things around, digging up weeds and small bushes that had gotten out of control and then purchasing flowers that we could just stick in the ground to make things look nice.  None of them were flowers that would come back the next year.  The following spring, before the planting even started, we mapped out the yard.  We spend several days researching types of flowers that would grow best in each flower bed based on soil and sun.  Then we purchased everything and planted them.  It was my brother’s graduation year so we wanted to make sure that the following year everything would have had a good year to grow and look great.

The next spring, it was exciting to see all the new plants start coming out of the ground.  There were a few that didn’t make it over winter and we had to replace them but for the most part things were looking good.  First the tulips and daffodils came up and bloomed.  We have a nice bouquet of flowers for our Easter dinner table.  By June, everything else was up and starting to flower except for the flowers that we planted to come later in summer, the mums.  Mom and I had many compliments on how nice everything looked at my brother’s graduation party.

This year will be even more interesting because each year the flowers multiply and get bigger.  Before the snow fell last winter, mom and I put fertilizer on the flowers and covered them up with leaves so this year they should be bigger and more colorful than ever.  It’s March 15th, and the snow is slowly melting away.  That means very soon, we start to see life in the flower beds…that itch is coming on full force!!!(485)


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