Friday, April 5, 2013

Social media

Social Medias seem to play major havoc in our lives. Whether it's the evening news, or Facebook, it influences everyone who pays attention to it. I don't know if I really think it's right or fair that a few hundred people play such a major role in our lives. Why do we let these sites make such a difference and let the things that people say on them affect our lives. The

There are times that we need the media. We need it to stay informed and on top of what are going on in the world but the news for many plays a god like role in their lives. There are some who cannot function without it...addicted you might say, and whether or not what they see, read or hear is actually the truth doesn't matter. Especially in teens, some people have to check their Twitter or Facebook before they can do anything. It takes up so much time and uses some of the time that you should probably be using for homework or studying.

The news on television has caused people to changes their views on many things, even their political party. Facebook has cause there to be many arguments because of what people post. Facebook is however a nice way to stay in touch with family and friends who may not live closes enough for you to be able to visit them when you would like to. Some people though use it in a manner to our people, talk badly about people, tell lies and cheat. Some very inappropriate things have been posted on Facebook.

On a good note, things happening half way across the country are easily shared at least 4 times a day on the news. But truth be told, I don't know that what we hear is always the whole truth because you hear one story on one channel and sometimes a different on another. I guess it’s up to us to be the judge. Don’t let social media affect your life too much. It’s something that makes life easier until not a necessity.

So what do you think? Is social media a good thing or a bad thing? Should there be limits on it? (373)


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